For the name alone, this recipe deserves to be attempted. Beyond the intriguing name, this dish is a stand-alone on taste. And, lovely to present. Tips - make sure the squash is really, really roasted through. And, consider covering each individual squash with foil to further prevent drying out. It's important that it stay moist, since the rest of the dish is heavy on texture, given that it is rice. p.s. Yes, goji berries are quite the rage right now. But, you don't have to pay Whole Foods prices to get them. Head to your local Mediterranean grocery (if you have one), where goji berries are a staple in recipes, and not a trendy "anti-oxidant." (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Forbidden Black Rice Nestled in Roasted Acorn Squash Mars Venus Living blog Squash: 2 acorn squash salt and pepper coconut oil 1/2 tsp five-spice powder (which I do not have - I used a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and fennel) 1/2 tsp thym...
A cooking blog that has very little to do with donuts. Or armies.